Thursday, June 7, 2007

Mazda MX5 has a facefift

The Mazda is a fun in the sun car. Here the girls represent the track and a famous racing driver in the background. I think they really look the part and the enthusiasm can be seem in their outfits and their faces. As you can gather this is a hot rod event. The girls separate or the car separate don't tell the story. Therefor sometimes you can't capture the art of the event but the story.

Srapyard Spider creeps

This is the picture you would expect to find spiders lurking around? The effect is caused by the reflection on the glass and captured at the right light. The decibels here are clearly zero or else this picture couldn't portray what is has to.
What it portrays to me, is a vehicle in the barn from a story of the renown Steven King? Look at it long enough and you will see the eeriness of it.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Scrapyard Terror

The picture of the car as a whole is not art but terror. A picture of a small part of the terror becomes an art piece, unique to itself. The way the pieces have been been cut and thrown back into the car has depth. What strikes me here is the "Cris's cross" pieces (support pillars) in front and then ends with a circle (the steering wheel). This is a picture of life with its obstacles on the way towards the circle of completeness. Some obstacles are sharp and cut deep, others are shiny but look the way you interpret them - at the time. Most obstacles are just placed there by someone else but we tend not to blame them but get on with life. Some areas in our lives are still untouched, like the perfect door arm rest on the door, but we might never get to them as life is not always ended when we decide. Life is given to us and taken from us when we least expect and we cannot choose to take our treasures with. This is what this piece of art tells me.

Scrapyard Art

This is a piece of metal that shines as if polished. The stress on the metal will either make it blister, crack, dull or shine. This piece is tired and has retired basically due to the common illness forced on its life by man - metal fatique.
The corrigated metal behind is reminisant of the old shed but note that dust has not begun to settle yet?
The light fitting from the car forms a cup - waiting for the moisture to settle in and rust a hole in to it.
A piece of the enviroment it lunged into still hangs on the car, as if welded there.
The rich red from the floor contrasts nine in colour. All I think that would make this picture famous would be the introduction of a man's fragrance bottle lying in the light bowl? This would be something in the line of the dark side of the moon(man)?

Scrapyard Art

This is one of the loneliest cars on the planet. When you approach this was you wonder who else saw the car. What was the colour of the car and where are the people that were in the car? Does someone live in this car and who is watching you?

Well turns out this is a possible hijacked car but he numbers have been taken off so there is no identification here. This picture was taken by David Brian Stewart, a specialist artist that prides himself with a rich, enormous collection of scrapyard cars. I want to convince him to publish a book with these photos so your comments here will motivate him. Most my photos that I use come from his work - with permission (of course).

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Derrek looks like Joe Torre

I have a favourite person on this planet and now I see that he looks like Joe Torre. I e-mailed Joe and he said they would get back to me but that was only yesterday. I cannot wait that long so I have tried to put the picture on the blog and see if anyone agrees.

Live Search Images: joe torre

Live Search Images: joe torre

Monday, May 21, 2007

Lets compare the topic of yesterday -?

Todays topic is similar to yesterday - (scrapyards are the same but different - or backwards as I am dislexic) but let us look at humans!!!!
Well I got the fright of my life when I looked at the news and saw a picture of Joe Torre (NY manager of football - I think) and saw that he looked like Derrek. Actually Derrek called me and said that there was a photo of him on the internet.
Now Derrek is not computer literate and has no time for idiots so he feels that a computer is not a tool but an idiot. he believes that the computer is a conspiracy. If he is to fill in a form and he types "d" AND THE LINE PROMPTS dERREK - HE GOES INTO hYPERVENTILISATION!!!
He calls me and wants to know how the computer or the other person knows his name? I think he is so cool and maybe a nerd but thats Derrek.Derrek should have been born in the 1910's cause thats his time. When my Grandson - Ayrton says he's talking on the phone and mumbles "Goodbye Elvis" Derrek is soooo proud.
Anyway the point of this statement is that Derrek looks like Joe Torre and I think that is a subject about doubles and not nerds. I e-mailed Joe so lets see what he says. What I am saying is that maybe we think Derrek looks like Joe but does Joe and his people think Derrek looks like him? What do you think? Check out the images on msn (or whatever) and don't forget Yahoo and type in Joe Torre and see his images. If you don't know what Derrek looks like let me know and I will post a picture of him.
Ok enough of that.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Every Scrapyard is different, but not really.

Even though every scrapyard is different there are the same kinds of things around. An isolated tree, a scrap cat and the same type of distorted metal. Some of the metal is sad and ugly and some is photographic. If you live in the scrapyard eight hours a day you will know what I am saying. When the moon comes up there is a quite sombre feeling. Nothingness. There is no human movement and the night starts this way.
First the play on lights where the shadows get longer and longer and then seem to get too long that they fade into each other, bringing on the darkness. Some isolated lights turn on, but the moon and the reflection of lights on the shadows and metal are the most sought after. They reveal a small picture, just enough to see something and the imagination can see all different things.
When the moon has been shining for a while and the scrapyard settles into the night one can hear the scrapyard sounds. If the wind is blowing it is a clanging of broken metals at different decitones.
This is when the life of the scrapyard transforms. If you look carefully you will see a green mist start up slowly and that is when the scrapyard gives life to the dead. Their movements are only about 30 cms for the entire evening and they don't speak. They will not move from one side of the yard to the other. Most of them sit or stand in one position, as if waiting or in shock. I don't think they know where they are. As the night grows older the mist lifts and one cannot see them anymore.
When the morning starts, it is as if everything is reversed and in slow motion. The darkness starts easing back as the light takes the place of the long shadows, pushing it behind and under the cars. The night lights start turning off and the cats creep past to settle down in a sunny spot. This is the time where they clean themselves, stretch lazily and curl up.