Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Test the 4x4's in Mozambique

Guys off to Mozambique to test out the vehicles and design problem solvers for the next trip.
Here, Cios tries his driving skills at the wheel. This was business as the roads are not marked and the way to Santa Maria is ambiguous... follow the power lines.
Some places you don't see the lines and the road (sand) breaks up into 4 lanes in different directions and you must just choose, since the bush si thick and you canna see nothing - let along the power lines....Everyone you ask how far to Santa Maria?, they say 3 hrs even after 5 hrs traveling they say 3 hrs..
2 x vehicles on the trip - David & Charl's - consist of Ford & Landie. Well they both complimented each other. The pictures tell the story & the Cd is hillarious, especially when they start their joking, like come round the corner & hello!!! A grader at 1 km/hr..The comments are so funny, sent me a memo and I will invite you to a night with the gang watching the short video....(short 'cause they left with 5 video tapes and came back with 2. The others are some where between Richards Bay and Mozambique still waiting to be formatted. One is formatted to show on TV and the other formatted to show on computer. So if you wanna watch, prepare to jump from TV to computer. )
All in all the guys had a good experience and told us that it is far. Also, they left the rump steaks behind, by accident and ended up preparing the braai and then wondering what was next. Well, that's another story.

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